Our server is now compatible with Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.60!
View our world map in your browser:
1️⃣ Open Minecraft Java Edition
2️⃣ Click "Multiplayer" → "Add Server"
3️⃣ Enter the Server Address:
play.wemilliam.com (Port: 25565)
4️⃣ Click "Done" and Join!
1️⃣ Open Minecraft Bedrock Edition
2️⃣ Click "Play" → "Servers" → "Add Server"
3️⃣ Enter the Server Address: (Port: 19132)
4️⃣ Click "Save" and Join!
Click the widget above or join here.
🏠 Claim your land with a golden shovel to prevent griefing!
💠 /claim → Automatically claim land.
🤝 /trust [player] → Allow friends to build.
🗑️ /abandonclaim → Remove your claim.
🏡 /sethome → Set your home location.
💨 /home → Teleport home.
🎯 /tpa [player] → Request to teleport to another player.
✔️ /tpaccept → Accept teleport requests.
💰 Earn money by trading with players!
💵 /balance → Check your money.
🏪 /shop → Open the in-game shop.
🛒 Create a Chest Shop:
1️⃣ Place a chest.
2️⃣ Put items inside.
3️⃣ Place a sign above the chest:
[YourName] Amount B Price ItemName
🚨 PvP is enabled in certain areas.
🏠 Claim your land to keep your builds safe.
💀 Dying drops items, so be careful!
🚫 No hacking, griefing, or stealing – respect others!
💬 Be friendly and have fun!
💬 Use /help in chat.
🌍 View the world map: Dynmap